
In the deathless dialectic between form and substance bursts the articulation of plurality in the matter of depiction times and life experience . Along this transient glimpse the series of Michele Pesce works can be set, crystallizing years of visual research obsessed by just a single theme : movement in urban space. Here all the Metropolis melt in their single vortex of topological relationships, whose flailing themselves around, even though geometrically, throws out the color beyond the Einstein four-dimensionality reduction,  in a not-conceptualizing and experiencing realm, to writhe at the end in the same space-time coordinates. The effect of this continuous mixing of the time in space and vice versa is paradoxically the reversal of the logic of past, present and future, intentionally dethroned by a subjectivist chronosophia which finds genuine expression no more in the line, but in rough compactness of colors.


FromTheWall (graffiti sculpture)

Defragment (mixed media)

FromTheWall (canvas studies)

Old School Graffiti Writing (CDP graffiti)

Graffiti Writing (graffiti)

Polaroid (photo)

Ilford 35mm (photo)

InnerSkating (photo)

InnerSkating V.2.0 (mixed media)

Magma (canvas)

UrbanD-sign (photo)

UrbanD-sign V.2 (photo)

Arkitekt (photo)

FukingBeautifulWorld (photo)


© Michele Pesce 2011